Friday, March 18, 2011

Inquiry-Based Learning

What an easy, fun way to describe Inquiry Learning!!!

Using teaching as inquiry to guide an eLearning action plan

This video tells you how using "teaching as an inquiry" cycle informs  e learning action plans.  A good example of how teachers work through the process.

The Best Motivation Video

Imagine, Dream and Believe You Can Do It!!!

This just shows you the strength of perserverance and determination pays off. If you have a dream imagine it and believe it is yours and it will come true!

Making Mistakes is Positive

This is great - links to Inquiry Learning...Some focus ideas for the classroom...Get your kids to watch it and see what they say. It could be a whole language discussion.  All about learning, how they learn, why they learn, where the information is, how to access it, the importance / place of presentation vs information as well as the importance and place of mistakes in learning.