Saturday, August 27, 2011

Educamp Dunedin 2011

Wow I have just experienced my very first Educamp - Thank you to our hosts, Claire and Anne who hosted #educampdunners at an amazing venue St Claire School Dunedin.  We started with a Smackdown where numerous people talked to us about a skill, tool or topic within a 2 minute time frame.  Listening to these experts was amazing!  Then we had break out sessions, it was your choice to join a break out that was of interest to you.  It was certainly a relaxing approach and where everyone could share their experiences on the topic - truly amazing.  Relaxed, informal and absolutely inspiring.  At the end we reflected on what we would take away from our day, however due to traveling with a group of people the learning did not stop once we left Educamp.  Great connections, new learning and inspiration was the key for my next steps on my eLearning Journey.

My Take outs were...
Personalised Learning was a big take away for me - I even went back to see Claire in her classroom and discuss learning approaches further.  I have changed the way I begin the school day, using choice workshops at reading and have some good feedback from the kids about the new approach we have to learning.
ipad apps - there were some really good discussions that about the use of apps in the classroom, how teachers manage ipads and the apps they use.
I also took away a number of other ICT tools that I will post later.
Fantastic opportunity, if you get to go to an educamp it would be the best day spent talking about school in your personal spare time.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Registered Teacher Criteria for e-learning

Within our ICT Cluster we are focussing on teacher practice that impacts on student achievement. This is also the aim of the renewed Registered Teacher Criteria.
This wiki below has been created by Suzie Vesper and Rochelle Jensen from Digistore and it provides links between the criteria and eLearning. It's an amazing resource that can help head us in the right direction when creating action plan goals and also our Individual Teacher Inquiries!
It is a must to check it out...
Registered Teacher Criteria and e-learning
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