Sunday, July 1, 2012

Numeracy Symposium 2012

Connecting the Dots... Today I presented the following keynote at the Numeracy Symposium in Dunedin.  Our school has been on a journey integrating iPads into the daily class programme.  It has certainly been a time of implementing ideas, trialling and reviewing what is the best fit for our school.  In areas of managing and uploading apps to integrating the use of apps within all curriculum programmes. 

It is paramount to find ways to effectively implement iPads into the class programme where Teachers will continue to meet the learning needs of the students.  Deliberate teaching is essential and this takes time for teachers to play and learn what apps meet the specific needs of their students.

I have focussed on finding apps that support differentiation due to the various needs of my students.  These apps will also allow students to develop their learning with next step opportunities. 

Within my maths programme I have used the ShowMe app with my teaching groups and independent group practice activities.  They have emailed this evidence of learning to me which I am able to identify gaps and next steps.  Students have taken photos and video footage of their learning and attached this to their Show Me recordings.  This is great when we are making links with maths in the real world around us (Strand and Number Domains).  E.g., Measure 1/3 of the length of D Block, Share 5 wafers between 4 people, How would you measure this area of the quad? etc.

The ICT workshop rotations in my numeracy programme caters for basic recall activities.  Students get 5mins or 3 games of a particular maths game e.g., Maths Bingo, Super7.  The iPads are also used for the study ladder workshop to watch tutorials or complete activities.

After my introduction to the Accelerated Learning In Maths programme last week I was keen to find memory match maths games to focus a target group of students and their learning during the maths warm up and cool down sessions within my daily maths pogramme.
With thanks to Carol from Christchurch I have a takeaway from my workshop. I found an app named Math Adventures - this is actually a programme that links with the numeracy stages.Have you been hunting for that unusual request of a 10 sided dice - go no further iRollDice has 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sided dice to roll and record.

In preparation for the workshop I came across the following apps which I will be exploring and considering implementing into our daily maths programme.
Educreations - an app similar to ShowMe but has a keyboard for neat freaks like me!Hands on Maths - these apps provide a range of digital versions of hands on manipulative tools.  These could be UK based???When presenting with your iPad use an iPad dongle or the reflection app.I have created a google doc for all workshop participants - please add your Take Aways (what did you get from the workshop and plan to trial or implement in the near future) to this doc and any other useful apps / ideas etc for integrating iPads into the daily Maths Programme.  I look forward to collaborating and sharing with you all :)

View more presentations from JazzRolto

Check this out...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Writing and Skyping as a Collaborative Tool

In 2012 it  was time to open my classrooms doors and allow the world to be a valuable part of my daily / weekly teaching programme.   Collaboration with another like minded passionate teacher whom I worked with the last 2 years provided the basis for the journey ahead. After a number of conversations and ideas we decided to take our journal writing approach in our classroom to the next level.

This is what we did and how our students were empowered by this learning approach...

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Thursday morning I was fortunate enough to hear Tania Coutts speak at a CORE Education breakfast in Invercargill about ePortfolios.

It reinforced alot of my thinking about ePortfolios as this has been an area I have wondered about exploring. Yes it is an opportunity to open your students learning to the their whanau and wider community, even the wider world. However it is yet again one of those questions - Does this fit with my school community? Will all my students parents have access to a computer / internet connection etc. I know for sure my students this year are ready for ePortfolios but are their parents ready? A way to get around this hurdle could be to have school computers "Computers On Wheels" etc available to parents at a specific time on a specific day of the week.

However something like this approach needs to be adopted by everyone to work - in reflection majority start something but if no expectation is in place it drops off the Must Do list when integrating ICT into the daily programme.

We haven't as yet begun using three way interviews. I do believe you could use a dedicated teacher and an enthusiastic classroom to skip the traditional three way interview and go straight to using ePortfolios as a part of the three way process.

I really like the suggestion that Tania had to use your blog page - however the students work is much too public I think for an ePortfolio / three way interview approach. Another suggestion she had that I thought was wise for a school when beginning the journey of ePortfolios - When putting ePortfolios in place have a case group e.g., 6 students in a class or 1 class in a school.

Next term my students will upload all their video / voice footage etc to our blog page labelled ePortfolio and each upload will feature their name as my next step forward to using the ePortfolio approach.

"Reflection is the heart and soul of a portfolio" Helen Barrett

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blogging in the Classroom Term 1 2012

Why blog?
What is the purpose?
How can you do this without having to spend extra time?

Some of the above questions were raised at my recent workshop, reading the following post should answers those questions for you.

Last term I had been invited to present a workshop to support blogging in the classroom within our sub-cluster.  I really do not see myself as an expert but within just over 3 years of my first blogging experience I now have a number of class blogs, professional blog and personal blogs and would even be keen to have more.  

My classroom has a blog page: and within that class blog page they have a reading blog and a kidblog page

These blogs are used authentically within (not an extra) our daily programmes.  ICT runs alongside the classroom curriculum - does it take time you ask?  Yes it does but so does photocopying those worksheets (excuse my sarcasm) or any other teaching and learning activity prepared to meet the needs of the students in your classroom today.

 "Education is forever evolving - not standing still in time."

I myself have been involved in quadblogging with schools around the world and created a quad blog approach within our school to kick start a trend of excitement across the school with teachers, students and parents late last year.  We are at present in our 2nd round of quadblogging and signed up for Pass the Blog later in the year.  I would also be keen to see a quad blogging approach used in our ICT sub-cluster.

Blogging in education is a window into your classroom.  It allows a huge audience to see what it is that you are experiencing and learning.  Most beginning bloggers are unsure (safety scared) of this concept but it is still by far in the hands of you the blogging author.  Cyber safety becomes cyber smart and you teach your students this concept also (life long learning, key competencies etc).

My students are richer for the blogging experiences I have made available to them.  It does take time but if you are passionate about teaching students skills for life you will jump on board today to fill your students backpack of ICT sharing and connecting skills, for their future success!

Remember teaching is an act on stage - if you let your students see you are disinterested you will dampen the flame of their learning.  Before you know it, they will be teaching you about widgets and digital sources that can be presented in your window to your community or the world!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Student Designed Learning Spaces

I have been fortunate to have meet Anne at our ILT Conference in 2011.  Since then I have followed her on twitter and collaborated with her at educampdunners and educampinvers.  Over the past 2 weeks  I have been on my own journey of creating new learning spaces, as well as keeping in touch with what Anne and Claire have been planning.  So it was truly inspiring to see this edtalk on the NZC Online Update today...

Checkout this clip - well worth watching...looking forward to a follow up visit after the collaborative planning and designing!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

21st Century Learner

The journey to cater for the 21st century learner is fruitful and exciting. As a teacher you are able to cater for the needs of your students but it is also an approach that if adopted well by the whole school, it can be of great wealth to all involved - students and teachers.

This YouTube clip is inspiring and highlights the key components of the 21st Century classroom. However it states..."The future is coming - will you be ready?" which I disagree with - if the future is coming what is expected from teachers right now - today? I believe the future is here and it is with collaboration between teams of people, who are like minded change agents that will make sure they are up to date with the 21st Century philosophies, pedagogy at school, close to home and world wide that will empower their teaching approach for life long learners.


 The future is here - are you ready?

The following YouTube clip is very interesting... students sharing their desires of being engaged within their classroom environment using their favourite technologies. How would you respond to students in your room with the following requests?


Learning Spaces

Well the carpet cleaners have been and it is all up to me to begin my journey of learning spaces within my classroom.  Well as we all know to create learning spaces the most important component of this change is furniture and floor space. 

At present I have taken out half of my desks, found tables and a station on wheels that the students can stand at as they work.   Strategically placing this furniture, which is workable but not what I would desire, has been a move and reflect, move and reflect task.  I want to create optimum space where students can sit at tables in groups, pairs and independently - this will allow students to make choices frequently within a school day / week / term for their best learning space, that will reward them with the best work output. 

Tonight as I was searching the net for inspiration I came across the following site...The Learning Spaces Portal, which attempts to represent ways in which learning spaces, learners and teachers interact.  A partnership of two identities Research in Educational Futures and Innovation (CREFI) and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).  It is interesting to watch the videos if time allows but I found the photos - food for thought also.

This is a great YouTube clip that shows some learning spaces that include creativity, collaboration and inspiration. All essential ingredients needed to teach a living curriculum that will empower and engage its students.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Journey in 2012

Well 2012 is here and what will the year ahead bring?!  As I am busy becoming excited about teaching and learning this year I start to think about all the ideas I put on hold last year to kick start the beginning of the new year.  In many areas not just e-learning.  However all new approaches have links to teaching and learning in the 21st century.

Part of the journey that is about to begin will be using learning spaces within my classroom.  After the I Love Teaching Conference held in Invercargill in 2011where Jeni Wilson shared her work with learning spaces and viewing Claire B's classroom at educamp in Dunedin, my need to explore grew to a Must Do.

The year I will also begin with the use of kidblogging a site that provides teachers and students with individual blog pages.  The students will record personal goals and record their learning journey in a safe environment that their parents will also be able to view to support reporting purposes.

I will continue to use and develop the Jeni Wilson approach to goal setting and assessment.  As well as her approach to reflection the incorporation of What, So What, Now What will be introduced.  We will also be continuing to use the Kath Murdoch Inquiry model.

To support students who require extension, there will be a bonus to their independent learning and will be extended not just to presenting work on tools such as keynote but they will be using to create their own website.

We will also be skying this year with Alice I's class at Darfield School in Christchurch which I am sure will be the beginning to many other learning and sharing opportunities.

The new look spelling workshops will be introduced in to my literacy programme with ideas collected from Jan F at Myross Bush School and their whole school spelling programme.

We as a school will be looking a t iUgo an Essential Resources online planning programme and looking at if this will fit the needs of our teachers and students needs for planning and assessment gathering.

As a staff we will begin the year with Trevor Bond as our presenter at our TOD.  Which will build on the journey of questioning that we have already begun that supports effective teaching of questioning within our inquiry model.

To support our teaching inquiries we will unpack and use the What, So What, Now What model to up-skill our abilities to be quality reflective practitioners.

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
–Oliver Wendall Holmes

It is hard to believe but we will be embarking on our 3rd year of our ICT2lrnwaihopai cluster, which will be sure to bring many great opportunities to begin showcasing our skills and understandings in the teaching and learning of ICT and Inquiry learning.

Wow...I am so excited - the anticipation and opportunities of the beginning of a new school year is empowering for the soul!