Connecting the Dots... Today I presented the following keynote at the Numeracy Symposium in Dunedin. Our school has been on a journey integrating iPads into the daily class programme. It has certainly been a time of implementing ideas, trialling and reviewing what is the best fit for our school. In areas of managing and uploading apps to integrating the use of apps within all curriculum programmes.
It is paramount to find ways to effectively implement iPads into the class programme where Teachers will continue to meet the learning needs of the students. Deliberate teaching is essential and this takes time for teachers to play and learn what apps meet the specific needs of their students.
I have focussed on finding apps that support differentiation due to the various needs of my students. These apps will also allow students to develop their learning with next step opportunities.
Within my maths programme I have used the ShowMe app with my teaching groups and independent group practice activities. They have emailed this evidence of learning to me which I am able to identify gaps and next steps. Students have taken photos and video footage of their learning and attached this to their Show Me recordings. This is great when we are making links with maths in the real world around us (Strand and Number Domains). E.g., Measure 1/3 of the length of D Block, Share 5 wafers between 4 people, How would you measure this area of the quad? etc.
The ICT workshop rotations in my numeracy programme caters for basic recall activities. Students get 5mins or 3 games of a particular maths game e.g., Maths Bingo, Super7. The iPads are also used for the study ladder workshop to watch tutorials or complete activities.
After my introduction to the Accelerated Learning In Maths programme last week I was keen to find memory match maths games to focus a target group of students and their learning during the maths warm up and cool down sessions within my daily maths pogramme.With thanks to Carol from Christchurch I have a takeaway from my workshop. I found an app named Math Adventures - this is actually a programme that links with the numeracy stages.Have you been hunting for that unusual request of a 10 sided dice - go no further iRollDice has 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sided dice to roll and record.
In preparation for the workshop I came across the following apps which I will be exploring and considering implementing into our daily maths programme.Educreations - an app similar to ShowMe but has a keyboard for neat freaks like me!Hands on Maths - these apps provide a range of digital versions of hands on manipulative tools. These could be UK based???When presenting with your iPad use an iPad dongle or the reflection app.I have created a google doc for all workshop participants - please add your Take Aways (what did you get from the workshop and plan to trial or implement in the near future) to this doc and any other useful apps / ideas etc for integrating iPads into the daily Maths Programme. I look forward to collaborating and sharing with you all :)
It is paramount to find ways to effectively implement iPads into the class programme where Teachers will continue to meet the learning needs of the students. Deliberate teaching is essential and this takes time for teachers to play and learn what apps meet the specific needs of their students.
I have focussed on finding apps that support differentiation due to the various needs of my students. These apps will also allow students to develop their learning with next step opportunities.
Within my maths programme I have used the ShowMe app with my teaching groups and independent group practice activities. They have emailed this evidence of learning to me which I am able to identify gaps and next steps. Students have taken photos and video footage of their learning and attached this to their Show Me recordings. This is great when we are making links with maths in the real world around us (Strand and Number Domains). E.g., Measure 1/3 of the length of D Block, Share 5 wafers between 4 people, How would you measure this area of the quad? etc.
The ICT workshop rotations in my numeracy programme caters for basic recall activities. Students get 5mins or 3 games of a particular maths game e.g., Maths Bingo, Super7. The iPads are also used for the study ladder workshop to watch tutorials or complete activities.
After my introduction to the Accelerated Learning In Maths programme last week I was keen to find memory match maths games to focus a target group of students and their learning during the maths warm up and cool down sessions within my daily maths pogramme.With thanks to Carol from Christchurch I have a takeaway from my workshop. I found an app named Math Adventures - this is actually a programme that links with the numeracy stages.Have you been hunting for that unusual request of a 10 sided dice - go no further iRollDice has 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sided dice to roll and record.
In preparation for the workshop I came across the following apps which I will be exploring and considering implementing into our daily maths programme.Educreations - an app similar to ShowMe but has a keyboard for neat freaks like me!Hands on Maths - these apps provide a range of digital versions of hands on manipulative tools. These could be UK based???When presenting with your iPad use an iPad dongle or the reflection app.I have created a google doc for all workshop participants - please add your Take Aways (what did you get from the workshop and plan to trial or implement in the near future) to this doc and any other useful apps / ideas etc for integrating iPads into the daily Maths Programme. I look forward to collaborating and sharing with you all :)
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