Why blog?
What is the purpose?
How can you do this without having to spend extra time?
Some of the above questions were raised at my recent workshop, reading the following post should answers those questions for you.
Last term I had been invited to present a workshop to support blogging in the classroom within our sub-cluster. I really do not see myself as an expert but within just over 3 years of my first blogging experience I now have a number of class blogs, professional blog and personal blogs and would even be keen to have more.
My classroom has a blog page: http://room12nrp.blogspot.co.nz/ and within that class blog page they have a reading blog http://superreadersroom12nrp.blogspot.co.nz/ and a kidblog page http://kidblog.org/rm12starsnrp/.
These blogs are used authentically within (not an extra) our daily programmes. ICT runs alongside the classroom curriculum - does it take time you ask? Yes it does but so does photocopying those worksheets (excuse my sarcasm) or any other teaching and learning activity prepared to meet the needs of the students in your classroom today.
"Education is forever evolving - not standing still in time."
I myself have been involved in quadblogging with schools around the world and created a quad blog approach within our school to kick start a trend of excitement across the school with teachers, students and parents late last year. We are at present in our 2nd round of quadblogging and signed up for Pass the Blog later in the year. I would also be keen to see a quad blogging approach used in our ICT sub-cluster.
Blogging in education is a window into your classroom. It allows a huge audience to see what it is that you are experiencing and learning. Most beginning bloggers are unsure (safety scared) of this concept but it is still by far in the hands of you the blogging author. Cyber safety becomes cyber smart and you teach your students this concept also (life long learning, key competencies etc).
My students are richer for the blogging experiences I have made available to them. It does take time but if you are passionate about teaching students skills for life you will jump on board today to fill your students backpack of ICT sharing and connecting skills, for their future success!
Remember teaching is an act on stage - if you let your students see you are disinterested you will dampen the flame of their learning. Before you know it, they will be teaching you about widgets and digital sources that can be presented in your window to your community or the world!