This is a great article from Education Week. It has some very interesting reasons for why blogging is an important learning and self reflection tool for learners and teachers. It breaks information into Tips...
Tip #1: The best way to get your feet wet without drowning is to use a group blog
Tip #2: Teach students how to write comments
Tip #3: Use what you already have in your teaching plan, with some minor modifications
Tip #4: Practice commenting without computers
Tip #5: Make student use of the class blog a privilege
Tip #6: You can't emphasize safety too much
Tip #7: Decide how you will choose user names
Tip #8: communicate with parents early on
Check it out and share your thoughts!
The Courage To Blog With Students
Commenting on Blogs (or peers work) is one of the hardest things children can do - I think. I like the idea of commenting without computers first, and I also think I'll be adapting how I use the blog in the classroom, so it is more child-friendly for practicing more specific skills.